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                                      is an equitable learning community cultivating health, knowledge, skills, and values for productive global citizenship.

Next Steps if Your Child is asked to Stay Home

Next Steps

(updated 1/14/22)

If your child is asked to stay or go home  based on symptoms or positive test results, the following chart can help you with the next steps. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to your healthcare provider,  any of our building nurse staff or

  1. Reach out to your child’s health care provider and Onteora Health Services
    Your health care provider can decide whether a PCR COVID-19 test or rapid antigen test  is needed or if the symptoms are based on an already documented health condition (such as allergies)
    If your health care provider is not indicating a need for  COVID-19 test, They MUST provide a letter indicating an alternate diagnosis for the symptoms it can not indicate an upper respiratory Infection (or URI)
    This documentation must be sent to  and a health services member must send you written clearance to return to in person school activities.
  1. PCR Test/Rapid Antigen Test
    As a parent or guardian if your child is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms you can ask your healthcare provider for a PCR Test or Rapid Antigen Test  for COVID-19If there is no other explanation for symptoms a PCR test or Rapid Antigen test (with report) must be completed and results sent to (Once received, health services will send you written clearance for your child to return to in person school activities).
  2. If PCR or rapid tests are negative
    If PCR or rapid  tests are negative (with report) please send results to
    Once received, health services will send you written clearance for your child to return to in person school activities.
  1. If  PCR or rapid antigen  test is positive
    If a PCR or rapid antigen test is positive, your child should isolate away from any other family members. You should alert your healthcare provider and contact the Ulster County Department of Health at 845- 443-8888 if a home test was used.
    Please send  a copy of the positive test to A member of health services will reach out to find out more information for any contact tracing purposes. 
    A student can only return once they are released from isolation from the Ulster County Department of Health. Once isolation orders are sent, please send them to
    Once received, health services will send you written clearance for your child to return to in person school activities.  
  1. What would I do if my child was exposed?
    If your child was exposed and determined to be a direct contact of someone that tested positive for COVID-19. They must quarantine (unless they are fully  vaccinated and not showing symptoms). If your child  was determined by Onteora Central School District or Ulster County Department of Health to be a direct contact please contact
    If asked to quarantine, your child must quarantine until given a quarantine release from Ulster County Department of Health. Once you have received the release, please send the paperwork to During times of high transmission rates, you may not hear from the department of health. Healthservices will contact you during your child’s quarantine period to see how they are feeling and if any symptoms or new exposures occurred.
    Once received, health services will send you written clearance for your child to return to in person school activities.  
  1. What do I do if someone in my home is positive?
    If someone in your home tests positive, please contact the Ulster County Department of Health 845- 443-8888  and  The department of health will work with Onteora health services to determine if quarantining needs to occur.
    Anyone who is positive should isolate from others in the household.