Quarantine Guidelines
WHO Needs to Quarantine?
Anyone who is deemed a direct contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID. If an individual is fully vaccinated (had both 1st and second shots for 2 weeks from the date of the direct contact) They DO NOT need to quarantine unless showing symptoms.
Those who have had a documented case of COVID positive within 90 days of contact do not have to quarantine, unless symptoms occur.
WHO Decides when Quarantine is necessary?
Within the school setting, Health Services follow guidelines from Ulster County Department of Health (UCDOH), and in conjunction with UCDOH, using contact tracing information.
WHO Decides when Quarantine has been completed?
This is usually completed by UCDOH. If UCDOH has never contacted the quarantined individual, Health Services will also reach out to check on the status of the quarantined individual to make certain they are asymptomatic and will then release them to return to school.
WHEN Does a Quarantine take place?
A quarantine starts from the date of the last contact with the positive individual.
WHERE Does Quarantining occur?
Quarantining is to be out of school and the person is to remain at home during the quarantine period.
WHAT Is the Difference between Quarantining and Isolating?
Isolation in school is done when a person exhibits signs and symptoms of COVID like illness. The student is placed in the isolation area, no additional contact with any individuals. The nurse/staff member taking care of the ill student will use full PPE. The ill person will be escorted to the nearest exit from the isolation area, limiting any contacts with others.
Isolation per UCDOH is for the person who tested positive for COVID. Otherwise quarantine and isolation are similar regarding no contact with others.
WHY Might I be notified of a need to Quarantine well after an exposure date?
This is due to when a person has found out that they are positive. See note below as it can depend on when parents/staff notify Health Services.
WHY Might the dates Onteora Central School District indicates for Quarantine differ from what I am told by the Ulster County Department of Health?
UCDOH determines quarantine dates based on information it gathers from parents, students, positive individuals and school staff. The dates provided by the District are approximate and can only be verified by UCDOH.
HOW Will I be notified if my child needs to Quarantine?
If your child needs to quarantine, due to a school contact a representative from the school district will notify you. After this initial notification, an e-mail or hard copy letter will be sent to provide additional information and resources including where to send any documentation you receive from your healthcare provider or UCDOH to the District.
HOW Long does quarantine last? - updated 1/14/22
Quarantines generally last 5 days from the date of last exposure, if an individual is non- vaccinated and asymptomatic. Times can vary based on other factors and if the individual is showing symptoms.
HOW Will I be notified when my child will be released from Quarantine?
Once UCDOH has received the report of exposure, they will contact you periodically, sending a quarantine order, that you should send to healthservices@onteora.k12.ny.us After the recommended quarantine period, if your child has not had any symptoms, UCDOH will send a quarantine release letter to you, a copy of it should then be forwarded to the health services email address and someone from health services will contact you to let you know when your child can return to school.
There are times when the health department is overly busy with contact tracing and may not reach you regarding the quarantine. If you have not heard from the UCDOH within 3 days of your child being placed on quarantine, please reach out to Health Services at the above e-mail and let us know. We will work with you regarding this.
WILL My child need to test negative to return to school?
It is recommended, but not mandatory (if no symptoms are present), that individuals who have been considered a direct contact get tested 3-5 days after exposure to an individual who tests positive for COVID.
If your child is showing symptoms, a negative PCR test will be necessary for your child to re-enter in person instruction.
The results of any covid testing should be forwarded to Health Services.
HOW Will my child access school work while on Quarantine?
School nurse and Health Services staff will notify school administrators and guidance counselors (if secondary) to alert teachers that a student will not be in person. All students have access to individual google classrooms and accommodations can be made to coordinate phone calls or google meets with staff as needed.
Quarantine orders sent to parents from DOH are not reported to the school district. Parents are responsible for forwarding the documents to the school. This does include isolation orders as well. Sometimes it takes the DOH a couple of days to report positive cases to the school, which, if the parent does not provide us the information, causes a delay in the quarantine process for the district.