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Superintendent's Letter January 6, 2022

January 6, 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The District strongly believes that our schools need to remain open for in-person learning. In order to do this safely, the following mitigation strategies will continue to be implemented:

·    Masks being worn at all times except when eating
·    Social distancing
·    Daily cleaning
·    Weekly COVID-19 testing
·    Test to Stay Program (soon to be implemented)
·    Daily monitoring of cases

In addition to the above, the District has handed out approximately 800 boxes of COVID-19 tests kits (2 tests per box). We will continue to hand out boxes for any families who have not secured a test kit for their child(ren). Please contact the main office of your child(ren)’s school to obtain a kit. We are requesting that you use these tests if your child is ill or has been in close contact with an infected individual. We are hopeful this strategy will minimize the number of infected individuals attending school. The most common symptoms we are observing with this new COVID-19 strain are symptoms that resemble a head cold, a sore throat, or stomach issues. Therefore, if your child is experiencing these symptoms or other COVID-19 related symptoms, please keep them home and test them. Please remember you can also register with Village Apothecary for a Free rapid antigen test for your child.  Register Link

As stated above, our number one goal is to safely keep our schools open for in-person learning. However, if the monitoring of our data indicates a significant increase in our positivity rate, or causes a staff shortage resulting in uncovered classes or if we are unable to complete the contact tracing and need more time to ensure everyone is safe, we may need to shift to a temporary remote model to ensure everyone’s safety.  The duration of this temporary remote learning might last for only one day or longer, depending on the circumstances. It is possible for a single class, or building to go remote while the rest of the district remains open. Therefore, we ask that you remain patient with us and request you have contingency plans in place just in case we have to make adjustments to our learning model.

Thank you for your continued partnership during this unpredictable journey. We will continue to provide updates via ShoutPoint.


Marystephanie Corsones
Interim Superintendent