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Superintendent's Letter November 23, 2021



November 23, 2021 

Dear Onteora Community, 

As we are fast approaching the Thanksgiving Holiday, we want to reiterate our commitment to continue to provide in-person instruction for all students five days a week and to provide as many extra-curricular activities as possible while continuing to keep everyone safe.

We ask each of you to renew your commitment to continue to partner with us by supporting our COVID protocols.  Please be sure to utilize the email for any COVID-related communications.

Just as it has been the regular practice with our older students, today we will ensure that all students have their Chromebooks to bring home in case they need to utilize them as a learning tool due to any potential quarantine. 

Thank you for your patience, cooperation, and support as we continue to work together to have a successful school year. 

Happy Thanksgiving!



Marystephanie Corsones                                                                                                                            Stephanie Laffin
Interim Superintendent                                                                                                                               Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction