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                                      is an equitable learning community cultivating health, knowledge, skills, and values for productive global citizenship.

Test To Stay Protocols

  1. Close contact is asymptomatic and unvaccinated
  2. Exposure must have occurred in the school setting and the individual identified through contact tracing
  3. The exposed individual remains asymptomatic; if the exposed individual develops symptoms, they will be excluded from school immediately
  4. The exposed individual will be tested two (2) times during a five-day period following the identified exposure. Please see the chart below.
  5. For students in Bennett/Middle School/High School, students must be registered with Village Apothecary for testing:   
    (continued below)

Testing requirements

Administration of Tests

If individual tests negative

If individual tests positive

Day 1 or as close to Day 1 as possible that an individual is determined to be a close contact

Rapid test to be administered via home (before school day) by parent.

Tested by Village Apothecary at HS/MS/Bennett  building MWF at the start of the school day. Must be registered with Village Apothecary.

If the  individual exposed is a staff member, staff will be provided with a home test. They must email healthservices  and the building principal or supervisor with negative results before the start of the school day.

Individual remains in school/work setting; however, are excluded from any activities outside the school setting, including extra-curricular activities ( Including sports) during the 5-day TTS period

Individual is sent home and will be required to isolate for 5 days from the date of the test.

Morning of Day 5 or as close to Day 5 as possible

Rapid test to be administered via home (before school day) by parent.

Tested by Village Apothecary at HS/MS/Bennett building MWF at the start of the school day. Must be registered with Village Apothecary.

If the  individual exposed is a staff member, staff will be provided with a home test. They must email healthservices  and the building principal or supervisor with negative results before the start of the school day.

Individual remains in school/work setting; however, are excluded from any activities outside the school setting, including extra-curricular activities during the 5-day TTS period

Individual to remain home and will be required to isolate for 5 days from the date of the test5.


6.  Phoenicia/ Woodstock Parent/Guardian or faculty/staff must take a picture of the test result from Day 1 and Day 5 and email it to their school nurse and health        services before the school day begins
7.  Individuals participating in the TTS program are allowed to continue to ride the school bus


*If an individual is identified on the weekend the testing days will be adjusted accordingly with two (2) tests still being administered over a five -day period. Individual(s) will be contacted by a school official and given specific information how testing will be administered.