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                                      is an equitable learning community cultivating health, knowledge, skills, and values for productive global citizenship.

Process to Run for School Board

1. Please download the Petition for you to run for election on May 20, 2025.  This file has the petition and the first expenditure statement. Both are due to the Central Administration Offices on April 21, 2025.

  • The Governor has signed legislation that candidates must submit a petition containing the signatures of 25 eligible voters or 2% of the number of voters who voted in the 2024 budget vote, whichever is greater. This petition must have 29 signatures of legitimate residents of the Onteora Central School District.
  • Our attorneys have confirmed that digital signatures are not allowed – the petition must have original signatures.

If you would rather have  a paper copy, you can pick one up from our Central Offices

Central Office:
4166 State Route 28, Boiceville

Questions? Contact the District Clerk at or 845-657-6383 ext. 1030