Health Home Care Management Program
Health Home Care Management Program
Mental Health Association in Ulster County, Inc. Health Home Care Management Program
How do I get more information, make a referral or enroll?
Individuals may self-refer or be referred by a provider.
Consent to refer a minor must be provided by a parent or legal guardian.
Please call the Health Home Program at: 845-339-9090 ext. 2501
What is a Health Home? |
Who is Eligible to be in a Health Home? |
What does a Health Home Do? |
A Health Home is a care management service |
Children: Children from birth to age 21 must be enrolled in Medicaid AND meet eligibility criteria by having two or more chronic health conditions OR one of the following single qualifying conditions: * HIV/AIDS * Serious Emotional Disturbance * Complex Trauma |
Through a Care Manager, the Health Home provides: * Comprehensive Care Management – help with connecting to providers and developing a plan to suit the individual’s needs. * Care Coordination and Health Promotion – help making and getting to appointments. *Comprehensive Transitional Care – following hospitalizations, ER visits, rehab settings. * Individual and Family Support – through meetings and referrals to programs as needed. *Referral to Community and Social Support Services – that can support and assist. * … and more! |
Adults: Medicaid recipients, including those who are already members of a Managed Care Organization. Individuals who have both Medicaid and Medicare are also eligible. Those eligible need to meet one of the following conditions: * Two or more chronic health conditions, such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, mental health condition or substance use disorder or * A significant Mental Illness, or * Living with HIV/AIDs Potential enrollees must also demonstrate that they would benefit from Health Home Care Management Services. MHA has experts on staff that will work with you to determine if you or your child is eligible. |
MHA offers Health Home Services for both Children and Adult participants residing in Ulster County.