Onteora Central School District
Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program
I. Overview
The Onteora Central School District Board of Education has authorized the establishment of a Universal Pre-Kindergarten, to be implemented in Community Based Organizations (CBO), pending approval by the State. The Full Day program (SUFDPK) will be in session 180 days at a minimum of six (6) hours per day following the Onteora calendar. The Half Day Program (UPK) will be in session 180 days at a minimum of two and one half (2.5) hours per day following the Onteora calendar. The district is requesting proposals from CBO’s to accommodate a Universal Pre-Kindergarten program for district students for the 2024-25 school year.
Proposals will be accepted through Friday, April 26, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. at the Onteora District Office. All
proposals will be evaluated by a committee appointed by the Superintendent of Schools, and contracts awarded based on the agency’s ability to fulfill the goals, curriculum guidelines and NYSED Standards set forth by the Board of Education as well as New York State Regulations.
Criteria for evaluations of proposals shall include:
1. the eligible agency’s capacity to effectively, efficiently and immediately provide needed services;
2. the eligible agency’s proposal to meet the standards, goals and objectives of the school district’s pre-kindergarten program plan;
3. the ease of utilization and accessibility of the program to parents;
4. capacity to provide ongoing staff development;
5. staffing patterns and qualifications;
6. documentation that all applicable health and safety codes and licensure or registration requirements are met;
7. anticipated fiscal share and other resources that contribute to the universal pre-kindergarten program;
8. current program design and experience in providing developmentally-appropriate programs;
9. fiscal solvency, financial stability (e.g. 3 years financial reports);
10. stability of staff in relation to average duration of employment, rate of turnover and ability to fill vacancies in a timely manner;
11. articulated mission/philosophy statements;
12. record management and documentation procedures followed by the agency;
13. administrative structure;
14. capacity and experience in serving children with disabilities;
15. capacity and experience in service children and their parents when they are limited English proficient;
16. children’s progress as demonstrated by assessments;
17. program assessment; and
18. location/accessibility (comply with ADA, NYS Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Codes.)
II. Proposal Requirements
All proposals must include:
1. a detailed description of the services to be provided by the eligible agency;
2. a detailed narrative which describes how the eligible agency proposes to meet the NYSED Standards and Onteora Central Schools goals and objectives for the pre-kindergarten program as approved by the board of education or trustees in the universal pre kindergarten program plan;
3. Proof of eligibility to run a New York State Education certified pre-school program is required, along with the appropriate teacher certifications.
4. a description of the eligible agency’s staff qualifications, staffing patterns, child-staff ratio and administrative structure;
5. a budget of proposed expenditures for services rendered. The budget should include a per pupil cost in addition to the number of students that can be accommodated in the program; in the event that the district should elect to award contracts to more than one agency in the district. Note any differences in services that would be provided to a group of 30 versus a smaller number of students.
6. a completed non-collusion statement;
7. documentation of insurance coverage;
8. documentation of Facility Quality including: current License, current Fire and Safety Inspection, current Office of Child and Family Services (OCFS) Inspection,
9. a statement indicating that the agency abide by Federal and New York State regulations and Onteora Board of Education policies;
10. evidence of an agency’s ability to fulfill the criteria noted under Section 1.
11. Copies of all necessary documents will be provided to Onteora, as well as any items requested throughout the school year.
Attached you will find the district goals as well as a curriculum outline.
III. Deadline
One full copy of the proposal with supporting documents is to be delivered to the Onteora Central School District Office NO LATER THAN 2:00 p.m., Friday, April 26, 2024.
For further information contact:
Amanda Allison, Assistant Superintendent of PPS
Mailing address for Proposals:
Onteora Central School District
Pupil Personnel Services
PO Box 300, Rt. 28
Boiceville, NY 12412
Attn: Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program
Onteora Central School District UPK Goals
Curriculum outline
Pertinent NYS Education Department standards and regulations
Please address each area with CBO policy that reflects how goal/standard will be met.
Standard Area: Classroom Environment
• Provide daily schedule which allows for a balance of intentionally-planned active and quiet play; indoor and outdoor gross motor activities; and individual and small group activities. Approximately one-third of the daily schedule is designated for children to engage in self-initiated activities.
• The classroom is divided into clearly defined, well-equipped learning centers including, but not limited to: dramatic play; blocks and construction; library, language arts, technology/media; science and nature; mathematics and manipulative materials; writing; creative arts; sand and water play and music.
• Provide an environmental rating that is valid and reliable such as ECKERS, measuring the environmental quality, and evaluates the program’s strengths and weaknesses and make improvements that will increase program quality.
Standard Area: Teaching Staff Qualifications
OCSD ensures that the District and each CBO have written procedures in place at the time of the bid proposal requiring all prekindergarten lead teachers are appropriately certified, or in the case of eligible agencies:
• have a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education or a related field
• and has a documented plan to obtain certification within five years of commencing employment as a Pre-K teacher.
• certifications are on file as part of CBO yearly bid proposal
• CBOs that employ teachers who are not certified have a supervisor who is certified for service in the early childhood or childhood grades and who is on-site during the hours of Pre-K operation.
The OCSD Director of PPS will make site visits throughout the year. One of the visits will be to evaluate and measure teacher-student interactions to increase the understanding of the impact of the various interactions that occur within classrooms and to identify and support the use of classroom practices and processes that have the most positive effects on children’s learning.
• CBO should provide yearly evaluations of staff using a valid and reliable evaluation tool.
Standard Area: Curriculum Planning and Implementation
The OCSD has adopted Creative Curriculum starting school year 2017-2018.
• CBO should explain their process and implementation of this written curriculum or curriculum framework that is being used and how it pertains to the following:
• is developmentally appropriate;
• for three-year old students, aligns with the NYS Early Learning Guidelines;
• for four-year old students, aligns with the NYS Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common Core; and ensures continuity with the district’s Prekindergarten to Grade 3 curriculum
OCSD has in place annual training of all CBO Lead teachers prior to the start of the school year.
• CBO should explain further trainings for additional staff in curriculum planning and implementation.
• CBO should explain how District policy will be met within their organization.
• CBO should explain how they will incorporate curriculum for students with Special Needs (Special Education/Language other than English).
Standard Area: Child Screening and Assessment (CSA)
The OCSD has adopted the ASQ Questionnaire and the ASQ SE Questionnaire.
• CBO should explain their all screening and assessment procedures, including assessing and documenting progress at least three times per year, how assessments are shared with families, and how data is collected and protected.
• CBO should explain how assessment results are used to inform instruction and address the needs of individual students.
• CBO should provide examples of all assessment tools and how they are used to inform program practice.
Standard Area: Professional Development
The OCSD collaborates with CBOs in identifying needs and planning of professional development focused on improving teacher performance. CBO lead teachers are expected to attend the OCSD Superintendent Conference days allowing collaboration with K-3 teachers.
• CBO should explain their policy on professional development;
• How PD is connected to the goals and needs of the UPK students, including approaches that are grounded in research;
• How PD is integrated in all the domains of early learning as set forth in the NYS Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common Core for four-year olds students;
• Explain qualifications of the Trainers;
• How CBO evaluates its PD, over time and addresses the benefits and practice, not just the satisfaction level of participates.
Standard Area: Family Engagement
The OCSD recognizes the importance of active participation and engagement of parents and/or guardians in the education of their children.
• CBO should describe their family engagement policies and include a description and sample copy of all methods of communication, family gatherings, orientation, parent evenings etc.
• CBO are required to have families complete a program evaluation annually. Please submit a copy of the evaluation and process by which suggestions are taken into consideration.
The OCSD provides, directly or through referral, support services to all children and their families as necessary to maximize a child's successful participation in the prekindergarten program. Whenever possible, support services are provided in collaboration with other community organizations in a non-duplicative manner as well as provided to the maximum extent practicable in the language or mode of communication which the parents and/or guardians and child best understands.
• CBO should provide all partnerships with community and educational institutions.