When is the Late Run schedule?
The Late Runs are Monday through Friday. The first one leave the MS/HS at 4:20 PM and the second one leaves the MS/HS at 5:15 PM.
What were the goals of the current contract, and have they been met?
The two primary goals of this contract were accountability and flexibility. In our current contract, we have the ability to consistently review the bus routes and make adjustments on an as needed basis to both the route and the contract invoice to reflect the change. This meets the two primary goals and best meets the needs of our students and taxpayers.
How is the contract maintained?
This is done by the Director of Transportation and School Bus Dispatcher who monitor the routes, buses, service and all aspects of the department and the contractor and report any issues to the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent for Business. They also meet with the contractor representatives at least twice a month. The service, in terms of number of buses, routing and overall service, have met all the requirements of the contract. In addition, we have discussed specific bus, route assignment, and timing issues.
What responsibility do the Board, the Superintendent, the Assistant Superintendent for Business and the Director of Transportation have to maintain adequate and safe transportation for children?
The Board is responsible for implementing and developing policy. They have oversight of contracts, employment, and legal issues relative to policy. The Superintendent is responsible for hiring, and assigns or oversees all aspects of the District. The Assistant Superintendent of Business works for the Superintendent to ensure that contract and financial issues have been followed according to Board policy. The Director of Transportation is responsible to create and maintain bus runs, overtime, employee work ethic issues, bus maintenance, daily communication with contracted services, and other issues of contract maintenance.
What if we change our mind about our current carrier?
The District has the choice to extend the contract or to go out for bid. Each has their own benefits. If the District feels there is a better price to be had, or if service falls below an acceptable level, we will bid the contract. Providing the contractor is meeting the needs of the District and providing good service, the District, with the contractor's mutual agreement, can choose to extend the contract. The District can then negotiate with the contractor for a multi-year extension. A multi-year extension is beneficial to the contractor as it ensures their business investment over several years. It is beneficial to the District by the District negotiating a maximum cost increases for several years. This will better protect the interest of the taxpayers. Lastly, even with a multi-year extension, the District has the right to opt out should the contractor fail to meet all the specifications of the contract.
Is it difficult to find substitute drivers?
Yes, finding sub drivers is a concern for both the District and contractor. However they both have been able to meet their responsibilities to the District for coverage and staff.